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PFMI Tool & Methods

Are you interested in experimenting with PFMI as an active restoration technique? If so, we have developed a web-tool to help guide land managers through the process of choosing which PFMI method would best suit their situation. We have also compiled detailed protocols for implementing each of the four primary PFMI methods. 

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  • To use the tool, click the link embedded in the title above or the photo to the left, it will take you to an external web-page

  • This web-tool is currently in beta-testing

  • We encourage you to test it out for us and let us know what you think!

  • We intend to improve this tool with user feedback and updated data from the findings of our study

  • In the future, we will offer PFMI kits, consultations with our staff, and soil testing services

Primary PFMI Methods

(1) Use of an non-inoculated wattle to stimulate growth of microbes in soil at installation site

(2) Inoculation of wattle with a single species of native saprotrophic fungi

(3) Inoculation of wattle with soil from a reference habitat

(4) Inoculation of wattle with a compost


*Note: methods 2-4 have associated risks and caution must be used when implementing. Please see our detailed protocols (below) for best-practices.


*Risks we want to avoid: the spread of invasive species (such as the common Golden Oyster mushroom from Eurasia) and soil pathogens (such as Phytophtyora species that cause Sudden Oak Death and other blights).

Nevada County Reference Site3 Soil Collect.JPG

Protocol Guide


  • We have outlined detailed protocols for each of the primary PFMI methods

  • This draft was created in November 2024 and will be updated periodically with new information

  • The guide can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking the icon below




©2023 by CoRenewal

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